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Our Story

Established in 2014, CSW Process Ltd has seen healthy organic growth and development. Expanding rapidly through innovative project management, we can deliver significant projects in various industries, becoming a trusted partner for such clients as Siemans, Wier Group and BASF. 


Our mission is to develop synchrony from supply chain to installation, creating and implementing class-leading installations that add value to the world's future carbon-neutral energy schemes.


We have partnered up with major city councils across the UK to provide carbon-neutral district heating installations to private, commercial, and domestic buildings. Reducing the city's carbon footprint while providing higher efficiency and greater pollution control.


CSW Process Ltd is unique, we can offer a full 'turn-key' design, supply, and installation solution to the district heating and cooling industry as an accredited LOGSTOR installer. The technologies that we apply in support of our operations offer long-term performance, reliability, and high operational efficiency. 





Copyright 2021 CSW Process Ltd | Ripley Dr, Normanton Industrial Estate, Normanton, WF 6 1TE

Company Number 09313961 | Designed by Figjam Media

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